Saturday, April 18, 2009

This seemed easier when I was a kid...

I just got back from my first outdoor ride on my NEW BIKE! That's right, I bought one today! I bought the Giant FRC3 W.
It came down to that one or the Trek (forget the model) and this one was a bit less expensive and seemed comparable so I went with it. (after checking reviews online of course) It's classified as a "comfort road bike", meaning it's lightweight for speed but has flat bars for comfort.

The hubby picked up a bike from a friend to borrow and we headed out on about a 3 miler around the neighborhood. I must say that we both did not remember our childhood bike riding as being so challenging. Some of those hills really got the heart pumping. And going down hill was downright scary....the speed could easily get out of control! I haven't figured out all the gears yet and how they all work for the optimal ride.

I also bought a helmet with a "visor" for some sun protection (I let the sales guy talk me into the more expensive helmet (they started at $35 and I got the $58 one) that boasted more ventilation ( I live in NC ya'll, it's hot!), and all in all felt like a more secure fit. I got two water bottle cages mounted on the bike ($6 each with bottles), and also picked up a lock with a 6 foot chain ($29.95).

Oh! And I almost forgot that I found a bike rack for $25 on craigslist, which I convinced the bike store manager to show me how to set up on my car.

So I have to say that I'm not as confident as I was before about the bike part "only being 17 miles". The 3 miles I did today seemed a bit hard even at a leisurely 17 miles "racing" after swimming in a lake is not quite going to be the "cake" I thought...but the good news is that I have the bike now and can start practicing.
So people that are indoor cycling still, get outside! It's completely different and something I know I'll have to get used to. But I think the indoor cycling definitely helps from a fitness standpoint. I'm subbing classes on top of the ones I teach coming up in May, so I'll be doing plenty of cycling both indoor and out!

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